We all need people around. Social relationship is an important aspect of a meaningful life. Friends and family will be there for us when we need them. And in those moments, we would need people that we can trust.

Among all the things I regretted in life, leaving my friends and family behind in life was the worst. It is true that friends do not need to be together all the time, and those who do might not be deeply connected and are only doing it for convenience. But, this might be just an easy excuse for not spending the effort. We are too lazy to maintain our relationships. We sometimes take them for granted. We think we know them “too well”, until we need them the most. I have seen many of our old generation who do not have friends around in their retiring life. They are lucky to be saved by tiktok of the modern days.

That’s why we need to work hard in order to surround ourselves with good people. Share our fun stories with friends, spend time with our favorite people and do things that feel true to our life.